A Hub is a pivot, a focus of activity. For Pelikan fans, a hub is a place where they can meet, exchange experiences, and network worldwide.

A success story that traces its origin back to 2014. The event has now established itself in the minds and hearts of ist participants: At the first Pelikan Hub in 2014, approximately 900 enthusiats of fine writing instruments came together, while in 2023 about 5.000 excited fans took part in the worldwide events. At 218 local Hubs in 47 countries, from Seattle to Sydney, Pelikan fans met up and discussed writing and writing instruments on this exceptional day.
The delight provided by this event stems from its essence: it is a meeting organized by fans for fans, all jointly driven by a passion for fine writing instruments.
It was great to spend the Hub events with you and to share our common passion for fine writing.
All the Facts at a Glance
Experience passion for writing instruments live – and enjoy a conversation with other Pelikan fans! Pelikan fans all around the world have met again and to celebrate their love for writing instruments and inks!
Still have questions? Here are all the answers at a glance:
FAQ for participants
What is a Hub?
The word “hub” means, among other things, the center and focal point, or the heart of it all, so to speak – a place from which things radiate out into the wider world. What’s more, since the name is short and sweet, we thought it would be a good match!
Because it’s fun! And because there is nothing nicer than a shared passion.
Last Hub was on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 06:30 p.m.
The registration period is now over.
Please note that we are collecting all hub city proposals during the registration process and when sufficient number of participants have proposed the same city, we will confirm the proposed city as a Pelikan hub city. You can see all confirmed cities on the world map on our homepage here
What happens on Hub night?
First of all, this evening is a meeting of like-minded people who all share a passion for beautiful writing instruments and handwriting. Writing instruments brought along can be shown and compared. Or you just sit together and talk about fountain pens. Or there is dancing until the night is over ;-) - this will be decided on the spot!
During the meeting, photos and possibly video recordings will be made to capture this evening. With the participation at the registration, the creation and the use in connection with the Pelikan brand was agreed.
Also, we ask all fans to upload pictures with the hashtag #pelikanhubs on social media channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. -- so that we are connected worldwide on one day!
FAQ for hub masters
What is a Hub Master?
The Hub Master is the direct point of contact and organizer for all of a city’s participants. Fans can apply to become a Hub Master when registering and will have to answer the corresponding question. The Hub Master position is a voluntary one and will not receive compensation from Pelikan. The Pelikan Hub is an event by fans for fans!
Who can become a Hub Master?
Anyone who would like to organize, communicate with other participants, and take care of the on-site specifics. Specialty retailers can also become Hub Masters and host the evening in their store, if they would like. It should be noted, however, that the Hub is not meant to be a sales event.
All “Pelikan Hubs” will be organized locally by a “Hub Master” appointed by Pelikan. Basically, this is an event by fans for fans, with Pelikan providing support on the side.
How does a fan become a “Hub Master”?
What is important to us is why an applicant wishes to be a “Hub Master”.
For this reason, we would like to get a few sentences from each applicant on their motivation for taking on this task. The questions will be asked during registration.
Who selects the “Hub Master”?
Pelikan will select the Hubs (i.e. the cities where the meetups take place) and Hub Masters based on the number of people who register. A minimum of seven participants will be required for a Hub to be established. If too few people register for a Hub, we will get in touch with them in enough time so that they can register for another Hub nearby.
What are the tasks of the “Hub Master”?
The "Hub Master" will look for a suitable location as close to the center as possible and will
reserve a table according to the list of participants, e.g. in a restaurant, a café or similar (please no faith-related establishments).
Once the location is fixed, the Hub Master informs "his" participants about the details and contact information of the location.
If the participants still have questions about the event at the location, the Hub Master is the contact person.
How does the “Hub Master” know who is participating in the Hub?
Pelikan will send the Hub Master the e-mail addresses of all Hub participants in his or her city so that further details can be arranged.
What tasks will the Hub Master have on Hub night?
The Hub Master will be the host for the evening. That means he or she will take care of the Hub guests and maybe say a few words to welcome everyone. Pelikan has prepared small gifts for all registered participants, which the Hub Master will distribute among the guests. The remainder of the evening will follow naturally as everyone present will enjoy talking about writing and writing instruments.
What about photos and videos taken during the Hub event?
By registering, all Hub participants have agreed to be photographed or filmed during the Pelikan Hubs. It is possible that image and video material will be used by Pelikan for communication after the event.
In addition, we would like to ask all fans to upload pictures with the hashtag #pelikanhubs on social media channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., during the meeting itself.
What happens after the Hub?
If photos and videos have been taken, we would be happy if the hubmaster and also the hub participants share them with us.
Please share it with us via hubs@pelikan.com
Anything else?
Everything else to do with the Hub night is up to the guests!
Here you can view the Terms and Conditions of Participation and our Privacy Notice.
Would you like to become part of this fan community?
Register on our Web site to participate. When a proposed Hub reaches 7 participants or more, we will approve the Hub for the city.
Would you like to organize a local Pelikan Hub as a Hub Master? Then you can also apply to become a Hub Master when you register to participate!
Everything involved with this is explained in our FAQs.
If you don‘t want to wait until the next Hub event, you can exchange ideas with former hub participants. Just join our Pelikan Hubs group on Facebook and get started. https://www.facebook.com/groups/PelikanHubs/